Assessment & Reporting

All aspects of students work are considered for assessment.

Individual student reports are prepared twice a year, in June and December. These semester reports provide detailed information on each students achievement level of the learning outcomes for individual courses as well as outcomes related to participation and organisation. For students in all years, grades (A - E) are awarded for each subject studied. More detailed assessment procedures are given in the course outlines for each area.

At the commencement of each unit of study, students are given a unit outline, which has precise details of unit outcomes, content, excursions, equipment needed and assessment requirements.

In addition, all students receive a Progress Report twice a year (at the end of terms 1 and 3), which comments on achievement and attitude in all courses. Parents are given an indication of any specific concerns and invited to meet with teachers at parent-teacher meetings, or by phone or email contact.

All reports are issued via email to the primary email contact. Printed versions of reports can be requested.

On Balance Assessment

Final grades are awarded through on-balance teacher judgement referencing all learning outcomes. This judgement is up-to-date (based on the most recent evidence) and is supported by a range of evidence.

On-Balance teacher judgement is not based on average grades across the range of assessment items. It is a professional judgement against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards. Teachers look at a range of evidence from students and make a professional judgement regarding how well these samples demonstrate the achievement standard.


Excellent Achievement in demonstrating the required knowledge, understanding and skills.
Standard of work consistently exceeds expectations. The student is performing well above the standard for the Australian Curriculum.
High Achievement in demonstrating the required knowledge, understanding and skills.
The student is generally performing above the standard for the Australian Curriculum.
At Standard Achievement in demonstrating the required knowledge, understanding and skills. The student is performing at standard for the Australian Curriculum.
Partial Achievement in demonstrating the required knowledge, understanding and skills.
The student is generally performing below standard for the Australian Curriculum.
Difficulty in demonstrating the required knowledge, understanding and skills. Even with support, the learning is demonstrated well below the standard for Australian Curriculum.